

The Anderson file #06

Thompson.A : The story of Donuts. This particular comic was first drawn at 2004 February, when I asked a friend of mine if he wanted me to make a new comic for him.
The story was up to part 36. The characters are rather simple, and some of the stories are still funny to me (since it's so odd and sort of having a meaningless point), and so I decided to post some of it here.

I can say this comic is the 'Legacy of All (meaning, most of my artwork, comics, and inspiration)' since many of my characters now are based or inspired by this.

Yes, folks. This story is also the legacy of the Ultra Race comic. Maybe I should post the new Ultra Race comic here too, although it's unfinished. Um, oh yes. I can tell you what will happen if my Donuts story never existed:
  • No two other episodes of this story
  • No Goose Mapletree
  • No Molly Alderberg
  • No Ultra Race
  • No kahmlan Battle
  • No Avalain Bros and their Investigation
  • No Donuts Pictures
  • Many other characters I made won't exist
  • Probably no Hatrixx, along with this website
  • Probably no Triton comic
  • I mean this list will well be infinite. So why bother listing more?
Yes, I should be more thankful for this comic, even if it was so corny and crappy and all. So! Uh, I'll post some more pictures later on.
See you.


News#5 The New Comic

Goose : Yes, people! The Triton comic is coming this month! Perhaps all of you visitors might be busy by that time, but the awaited comic will be released in December 14.

The Link

Jeff : Well I've been waiting for this all long! Mr. Anderson had already been preparing it since August!

Johnny : Arjetto(is coming to town)!

Chrysti : ... Whatever, Johnny. Um anyway, I'm excited just as much as all of you, folks!

Molly : We have a few pictures to show you too!

Toose : Wow! I forgot The Avalain Bros. are up soon!

Thompson.A : Yes they will! ... And I hope you will like all my efforts. This haven't got to do anything with the comic, but I'll be 18 by December 13(Don't worry. Sending me birthday presents is optional.). I wish I can draw even better next year.
Actually this comic was so challenging for me too. It was quite hard for me to draw all those higher leveled pictures. I was thinking of drawing this comic since Spring (2010), and I was wondering if this will worth my effort.
But "Nothing ventured, nothing gained" as many people used to say, so I gave my best shot. Well please tell me what you think, and thank you for your time.


The Anderson File #05

Thompson.A : Today I'll post my old drawings. I drew them when I was about 7 to 11.

Many of my Pictures around 1999 to 2003 (when I was 7 to 11) are gone. I probably threw most of them away. But I do recall some few pictures:

First, the adventure of three cats. I still have this in my folder, but now I don't understand the story by just looking at this. I'll probably need months just to figure it out completely. Never tried though.
Next is Amazon Trail. No wait. ... I only remember the title and some few characters. And I don't remember the story. At all.
Then we have the story of Manual Manue, the little [American] Indian boy. I don't remember that story either, but I do have a part of the comic strip.
Besides that there was a story of a robot, the previous Pingu books, and a turtle. ... Hmm I think that's about it. No wait!!

Ta-da. ... I don't know when I drew this stupid picture, but I'll show it to you since the date is not available. Actually my friend did the big deal of work in this picture.
Oh well, I hope you like my posts. I should bring up more sober things next time.


The No Nothing Theory Final

Johnny : These are the last scenes from the No Nothing Theory comic. Thank you for watching!

Jeff : And come back for more of our other investigations coming your way!

Johnny : soon

The Avalain Bros.

Suspense investigation story
Case 2
The No Nothing Theory

The Hatrixx productions
The Donuts Pictures


The Anderson File #4

Thompson.A : I knew I had to post something at least three times a month, so I decided to show you some of my other old pictures. These are drawn when I was five to about seven. You can see that I really like Pingu. ... no doubt.

Nothing special, but I suppose you want to see at least one picture. Yes. The story of Noah.

Well that's it. ... Um, yeah. Some of you might recognize those red balls flying around in the air. Anyway, hope you enjoyed it. I'll be back again.


News#4 Preparations

Thompson.A : Alright. It's been quite a while since I updated here. And I'm sorry. I should have told you sooner, I'm planning to take my high school test at November so I was preparing myself for months.
Yes, there's some news for you all faithful visitors. I may not have time to do anything here now, but I still am writing some pictures when I have time. I finished writing the No Nothing Theory investigation story, and all I have to do is edit it inside my computer.
I also began writing the Triton comic. But I won't be able to draw the whole comic only using a computer, with colors and all those nice effects, like the Triton poster you saw before. It takes too much time for me. If I took the challenge anyway I'll probably be 29 by the time the comic is all done(I'm currently 17 (until December 13)). The comic is done mostly by pencil. I hope you'll like it.
Um, ...well that's about it. ...

see you soon.


The Anderson File #3

Thompson.A : Alright. Here's more of my old pictures. I used to draw comics way back ever since I was about four. Although born as a Japanese, I also wrote English ( Yes!! In a very broken way! I did had a lot of miss spellings and bad grammar, and I got better quite recently.)
And for one thing, back in those days I was very monkey like. ( for example when I was romping around on bunk beds) Besides that there are other rather odd embarrassing things. Yet for the sake of keeping people watching my blog, I'll tell you anyway. (I only called Molly here because the other boys might tease me for this.)

  • One time I ran away from home all by myself. I could have been about Two. But I don't remember that event.
  • When some one told me to say 'please' I said 'Bi bi bi baa, Bi bi bi bi bi ,Ugo ugo ugo.' It means please. I was about two years old, but i don't remember saying that either.
  • I was very slow at learning. I was finally able to talk properly when I was about three or four.
  • There was this one Bible cartoon where Jezebel screams - And I scream along. My poor Mom had to turn off the sound from keeping me being noisy. I think I kind of remember that event.
  • I remember One particular red sign that said 'Marufuku' in Japanese. There was a white mark that looks like a Vodafone sign on it. I used to call that laundry soap! I remember that event.
  • There are other funny stories but I don't remember much so I could call it end here. ...

Molly : Wow. That's something.

Thompson.A : Yeah well. Extremely embarrassing Isn't it? At least that's no more. I'm different now, though. Heh!

Molly : You sure had a long way to go.

Thompson.A : Yes. Well that's about it. I hope you had good time reading (and laughing), and thank you for visiting!


The No Nothing Theory part1

Jeff : The No Nothing Theory suspense investigation is finally on the move. My brother Johnny's been a little grumpy before since no one said anything about the previous investigation, But now he's more happier.
Well anyway this is the second season of the Avalain Bros' investigation comic and we all hope this will be a great blessing for you and that it will teach many lessons. alright here it is!


The Anderson File #2

Thompson.A : I remember how I used to turn the lights off when I was four years old. I climbed on a bunk bed to the top, jump to the light, and pull the string, and land with a thud! I always used to play on bunk beds.

Okay, But the Hatrixx does NOT recommend you to do these acrobatic monkey shines. One afternoon when I was romping around on a bunk bed(I remember one of my friends was with me), I fell down and got a cut on my head. Later my mom took me to a hospital and got my head stitched.

Goose : Wow. Never knew that.

Molly : Did that hurt?

Thompson.A : I don't really remember that part. But I do recall I was crying a lot. So now to this present day I have a bald scar on the back of my head.
Now that was some scary stories from Mr. Anderson. But now let's talk about some other bright subjects. Here's some of my pictures I drew when I was four or five.

Thompson.A : The Pictures looks Great!! ...Because I posted the best ones.Usually I draw simpler pictures like these ones below.


Triton - Drafts

Thompson.A : So I'm finally here! And with the awaited Triton pictures!

Toose : Happy?

Hatrixx Staff, Guys, and other friends : Absolutely!!

Goose : Good. Tell me what you think, everyone! Oh. ... Next time we can show you Mr. Anderson's old pictures!


Ducks Happy Hour

Toose : Alright, now we don't have the Triton pics yet. But wile you're all waiting, we can show you this picture.

Johnny : Yes folks! While looking, you can laugh just as loud as when watching any other of our pictures!

Toose : Um, ... do I look fine there? Just asking.

Johnny : You're great! And I mean it in a great way!

Toose : Oh thanks! That's such a compliment!


News#3 He is Back!

Goose : Alright now, our Internet is back! And Mr. Anderson can post his art once again!

Fans, Friends, and, Hatrixx Staff : Happy!!

Goose : Good! Well it's all of a sudden, but I want to tell you that our website will be under construction. There will be some few changes like adding web links, or posting music (Which Mr. Anderson really wanted to do for some time) and so on. But you can still access here anytime!

Johnny : And the Triton? What's gonna happen to the story?

Goose : He's working on it. Mr. Anderson isn't sure our visitors will like it, and the art work doesn't seem to be easy as much, since he never done those stuff before.

Jeff : Yeah! The No Nothing Investigation we told you all before. ...umm, we're working on it too.

Molly : I really looking forward for the music!

Goose : And all the improvements too! Well, keep on checking here! We really miss you all, visitors!


News #2

Goose : Hi again! New picture's up! It's called Triton. Mr. Anderson actually wanted to post this picture later for surprise, but he's changing home. He's going to have a busy time and I've heard that the Internet will be down for some time.
Johnny : Well I'll be! It's gonna be bored. But don't worry! Me and My brother Jeff are going to crack another case, and a tough one! It's called the 'No Nothing Theory', and once we're done with the investigation and the Internet connection comes back, we'll post it.
Jeff : Well bro, we need to do something to keep our blog viewers happy until we'll come back!
Toose : I've got it! (...Whisper whisper whisper)
Johnny : (Nod nod)
Goose : Ah! That's a great idea!
Jeff : Ahem. We have a little list for all of you readers about what you can do until we start mowing our blog again!
  • Read the Khamlan Battle comic
  • Read the Black Cat Superstition suspense comic

Chrysti : Huh? That isn't suspense!
Johnny : Well, whatever. Let's go on with the list.

  • Watch this picture below, laugh, then comment

  • Read the Ultra Race comic below

  • Tell your friends about this blog in case they are interested
  • Play Legos
  • Read all through out this blog. It wont be that long. It includes the introducing of Thompson Anderson.
Jeff : It's done!
Goose : There! Now you have enough things to do!
Molly : Oh, but not yet! Mr. Anderson said to comment about the Triton poster. He told me he might make whole comic!
Toose : Wow! That might turn out to be an interesting story.
Johnny : Yeah!! And Bobson MacAlfee and Anna Sorvason are going to use Arjetto!!


The Anderson File #1

Goose : So Mr. Anderson, you did give your pictures and comics and those other good ol' stuff, but I think you didn't introduced yourself. ...much less your name.

Thompson.A : Oh, right. I hadn't.

Goose : Well then, maybe it's time for you to talk about yourself. And if you don't know where to start, there's some questions listed up on this paper!
I'll read it for you!

Question : Your name?

Thompson.A : Yuto Kawaguchi. That's my real name. My user name at the Internet is Thompson Anderson.

Question : Age?

Thompson.A : As you well know, my age changes every year, so I'll just tell you my birthday.

Question : Birthday?

Thompson.A : My birthday is 1992/12/13 (or December 13, 1992 for some other people in other countries who doesn't use only decimals for date.) Once you know my birthday, you can calculate it with the current day (now) and you'll get the latest update on my age! Or if you don't have time, you can look up my account on the top right.

Question : Hmm. You don't have a picture of your face on your account. Aren't you ever gonna show them?

Thompson.A : No.

Question : Why?

Thompson.A : The same reason why girls wouldn't tell their weight.

Question : Okay then, sensitive guy, I'll just keep on browsing your account. (murmur, grumble, gripe.)

Goose : Wow. Quite a grumpy questioner if you ask me.

Question : Kadaskov?? Are you Russian?

Thompson.A : Oh no. I'm just a Japanese boy who's living in Japan. That's all. Though I do got some interests concerning Russia. ...

Question : Like what? The girls there?

Thompson.A : Boy, whoever made up these questions is quite a picky!

Goose : Yeah. ... You know? I think you should skip this question.

Thompson.A : Maybe we should skip all the other ones too, and post our own.

Goose : Ok. Then what will be the next question?

Thompson.A : I'll just tell a little about myself. To explain it simply, I'm a rather shy guy. And once you'll get to know I'm Sagittarius, I suppose you'll get the image of me. My looks? I have dark brown eyes and very dark dark brown hair (you could call it black). As you know since you are viewing my site, I'm interested in art and music.

Goose : Oh, I have an Idea! We can post your pictures you wrote when you were younger! Like when you're 4 or 10 or so.

Thompson.A : That's a good idea! ... But first ...

Goose : What?

Thompson.A : To be continued.


The Black Cat Superstition 2/2

Goose : Here's the last half that I promised! Well the reading order turned out complicated, but this is the end of the story.


The Black Cat Superstition 1/2

Goose : Here's an article from one of my friends, Jeff and Johnny. They recently got an interesting case, and I hope you'll enjoy reading it.

The last half will be posted later.


Kahmlan Battle: More Info

Goose: Hey Mr. Anderson, I heard that wasn't the end of the story!

Thompson.A: It's not. And that story isn't the beginning either.

Goose : Oh, tell the readers the story!

Thompson.A : Alright. It all began at a little village called The Birdie Union Village. That's the homeland of Charles Mapletree.

Goose : I'm proud of my Papa!

Thompson.A : Well, back there he hears Voices. Voices that tells him something.

Goose : What was it?

Thompson.A : Charles doesn't know. And so he leave his peaceful village, and started his journey to where he doesn't know. To follow the Voices, and to know the secret they held. The Voices leads him far far away to many places.
To make the story short, Charles meet some friends and reach the city of Kahmlan. Soon the 'bad guys' try to spy the city, and Charles and his band tries to stop the guys.

Goose : The result is Kahmlan Battle.

Thompson.A : And after that, Charles continue to more adventures along with his invisible guides.
The whole story is called The Adventures of 1998 (Heroes Behind the Scenes II). If you might find it interesting, I can post it with more detail.

Goose : With Manga?!

Thompson.A : Gulp, I think that's hard. It'll take too much time, so maybe I'll just going to post words. Well anyway, I want to say thanks for for all of you who were watching the comic!
And by the way there might be some errors in that comic.Like ... :
  • Face morphing
  • Characters' missing features
  • Wrong grammering and spelling
  • etc.

We are sorry for these mistakes. Let's hope I'll do better next time.


Kahmlan Battle page 21-24

This will be the last four pages of this comic. Thanks for Watching!